Our lawyers

From a personal injury lawyer you should expect at least some knowlegde, experience and empathy. But you deserve more. AVB Law is more.

Hardly any jurisdiction is more personal than that of personal injury. Our clients often feel most vulnerable when they approach us. Maybe you now too. Know, however, that we will complete this process together. And that we go to the limit to represent your interests.

Because we start with a treatment plan with you, you know exactly where you stand. We ensure that there is clarity as soon as possible about the liability, the sustained injuries and the total amount of your (financial) damages. During the process we will always keep you informed of every step in your case.

We dare to say that we are very good in our profession. Not only because we know the law, but also because we are financially and legally outstanding educated and know how to negotiate vigorously with insurance companies. Also, and especially, because we look at our client and his needs differently. And by doing this our way, we come to unexpected, but very satisfying solutions. For our private clients as for entrepreneurs.

You would rather not need us. But if you have suffered personal injury, trust our lawyers of AVB Law.

Any personal injury?

Babette van Beest


Clients about Babette in three words;
Creative, Accurate and Sympathetic

Memberships: WAA, Nationaal Keurmerk Letselschade

Raymond Alberts

Clients about Raymond in three words;
Sincere, Accessible and Persistant


Memberships: LSA, Nationaal Keurmerk Letselschade, WAA

Sanna van der Laan


Clients about Sanna in three words;

Active, Committed and Friendly

Memberships: WAA, Nationaal Keurmerk Letselschade

mr. G. (Girthe) Kramer

mevr. C. (Carlien) Dijkhuis

mevr. W. (Wischa) Visser

mevr. J. (Jamie) Jagdewsing

mevr. S. (Sam) Smits


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1007 EB


+ 31 (0) 20 662 50 30


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VAT: NL824161543B01
BANK: NL94 ABNA 0471 0660 79